before sending them out to be duplicated and distributed. • If you sell software, please check your master disks for infections  software you receive. distributing it. You should also, of course, run VirusScan on all new Mac community. Please carefully test all new software before public domain and shareware software have a special responsibility to the • Bulletin board operators and other people who maintain and distribute  WDEF virus for details. recommend deleting the Desktop file if it exists. See the section about the grant the “make changes” privilege on server root directories. We also AppleShare server. To avoid these problems, administrators should never • The WDEF virus can cause serious performance problems if it infects an  backup. • Back up your servers frequently. Run VirusScan just before each  • Check all new software with VirusScan before installing it on a server.  discussion in the “Special Features” section. on the server disk. For more details on scanning servers, see the the only way to guarantee that VirusScan will be able to scan all the files and restart it using your Virus Tools or emergency startup disk. This is uninfected. For best results, you should take the server out of production • Check server disks frequently with VirusScan to make certain they are  when it is possible. write-protected folders, but you should make every attempt to do this own file or folder, it is not always possible to put applications in spread very rapidly. Since some applications insist on writing to their protected by a VirusScan Extension. This is one way in which viruses can will in turn quickly infect any other Macs on the network which are not infection to the application on the server. If it is a popular application, it network which accesses the disk and uses the application might spread the application is in a writable server folder, any infected Mac on the not have the “Make Changes” privilege. On the other hand, if an disks. Viruses cannot infect applications if they are in folders which do • Try to put software in write-protected folders on AppleShare server  the application. Distribute printed copies of the VirusScan manual. against them. Give them copies of VirusScan and teach them how to use • Educate the people in your organization about viruses and how to protect  discovered that students love to play with the start-up disks. Extension is still installed and active on all your startup disks. We have they are uninfected. Also check to make certain that the VirusScan • Check all your lab disks frequently with VirusScan to make certain that   • Install the VirusScan Extension on all your lab startup disks.  make certain that their software is free from infection. viruses. People who sell software also have a special responsibility to share Macs, or share a Mac network, is a perfect breeding ground for domain and shareware software. An environment where many people networks, Mac laboratories, Mac bulletin boards, or collections of public The remaining recommendations are for people who manage Mac   are clean. backup. This has the added advantage that it makes certain your backups One strategy which many people use is to do a full scan just before every  every once in a while will detect any such infections. installed, it is possible for a virus to infect your hard drives. Doing a scan start up from a floppy disk which does not have the VirusScan Extension just to make certain that they are still uninfected. For example, if you You should, however, periodically do a full scan of all your hard drives  VirusScan Extension do its job and trust it. It is also not necessary to scan your hard drives frequently. Let the  block viruses before they can spread or cause any damage. as you have the VirusScan Extension properly installed, it will detect and to scan all floppy disks before using them. This is a waste of time. As long Macintosh. It is not necessary to scan all new software before using it or For most people, this is all you have to do to protect your personal  against known viruses and makes no attempt to detect new viruses. viruses. This is particularly true of VirusScan, which only protects versions of anti-viral software are very often ineffective against new • Keep your anti-viral software up-to-date. This is very important. Old  • Make periodic backups of your hard drive, at least once per week.  for a virus to infect files on a locked floppy. a copy, and use the copy. Never unlock the original disk. It is impossible new piece of software, immediately lock the disk on which it came, make • Keep original software on locked floppies. Use copies. When you obtain a  takes a minute to install and it can save you much grief. • If you do nothing else, religiously use the VirusScan Extension. It only  viruses. minutes per week to effectively protect your Macintosh against the known should take the problem seriously. Using VirusScan, it only takes a few There is no need to panic over the current virus situation. However, you   åRecommendations / /